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8月14日Kit Fine教授学术讲座


国产91麻豆一区二区久久久、北京大学外国哲学研究所、北京大学分析哲学研究中心联合举办“分析哲学学术大家讲座系列活动”,此次特邀美国分析哲学家Kit Fine教授进行讲座。

讲座题目:Some Remarks on Popper's Qualitative Account of Verisimilitude

    Most philosophers of science would now judge Popper’s qualitative account of verisimilitude, important as it may have been for the development of the topic, to have been an abject failure. This would have been my own opinion - until recently. But in thinking about the topic from a more general perspective, I came to realize that there was more to be said in favor of his account, and of other accounts of the same sort, than is commonly recognized.
    I begin with some remarks about my general approach, with particular emphasis on the explanation of verisimilitude in terms of truth- and falsity-content (§1). I then provide a formulation of Popper’s qualitative account of verisimilitude within this general approach (§2). I next consider some familiar objections to his account and argue that some of them might be met given a suitable understanding of what the account is taken to be an account of (§3). I take this line of defense to its limit by arguing that Popper’s account can be regarded as a Pareto criterion of verisimilitude, which is meant to hold regardless of the closeness ranking on worlds (§§4-5). I go on to consider how, within the same general framework, other accounts of truth- and falsitycontent will lead to alternative criteria of verisimilitude (§6); and I conclude by pointing out, that despite the possibility of providing some kind of justification for these various criteria, they cannot themselves be seen to provide a useful guide to scientific progress (§7). An appendix deals with certain technical matters left open in the main body of the text.
    I should perhaps make clear that I myself do not favor an intensional approach to verisimilitude of the sort that Popper provides; and, indeed, it was my interest in developing an alternative hyper-intensional approach that led me to consider in more careful detail what might be said in favor of the intensional approach. I hope, in other work, to develop the hyperintensional approach and to show how it is able to avoid some of the pitfalls and problems in the intensional approach.

Kit Fine教授执教于美国纽约大学(New York University),是纽约大学Silver Professor; University Professor; Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics;Kit Fine教授目前担任美国人文与科学院(the American Academy of Arts and Sciences)院士、英国英国国家学术院(the British Academy)院士。Kit Fine教授是世界知名的分析哲学家,主要从事逻辑学、数学哲学、语言哲学、形而上学等领域的研究,在世界哲学学术界享有崇高的学术声望。