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  • 前沿科技和隐私:人类隐私意识的缘起, “隐私”在中国哲学与文化中的相关性和体现,当代社会对“隐私”的认知如何影响前沿科技的发展。
  • 生物科技和社会:从基因编辑技术到微生物研究,人类在生物领域的科技突破在不断挑战人何以为人的认识。新冠疫情的爆发又进一步激发了人们对人与自然、人与生物的关系以及科技如何帮助人类应对大灾难的探讨。我们是否应该回到哲学的原点,重新思考何为人、何为生物、何为自然,人与自然的关系等问题。生命科学的发展是否应该有边界?边界在哪?为什么?
  • 前沿科技、哲学和艺术:艺术家和哲学家用各自的思维方式和话语体系思考当今社会、科技带来的深度思考;我们希望通过为科学家、艺术家和哲学家搭建一个沟通、交流和碰撞的平台来培育和激发这一新的思想市场的萌芽和发展









  • 申请人必须是北京大学哲学与宗教学系正式在编教师。
  • 申请人需在近年来一直从事高质量研究工作。
  • 申请人应在自身研究领域拥有最高学位或相当水平的研究专长。












  • 说明申请人要探索的具体问题、研究思路,以及作为中心学者的整年度工作时段安排
  • 说明项目的公共影响力:如何与中心合作,以提高公众对该机构主题和工作的认识?







申请截止时间为2020720日。中心学术顾问委员会由林建华教授和安乐哲(Roger T. Ames)教授担任主席,该委员会将决定最终入选人士。入选学者将在2020年820日前收到通知。




Berggruen Research Center Fellowship

The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies


About the Berggruen Research Center, Peking University

The Berggruen Research Center at Peking University (henceforth referred to as ‘the Center’) was established on December 19, 2018. Launched by the President of Peking University and the Chairman of the , the Center is a hub for East-West research and dialogue dedicated to cross-cultural and interdisciplinary studies of the transformations affecting humanity. The Center engages China’s most outstanding thinkers to examine, share, and develop ideas to address global challenges. Intellectual themes for researchers and visiting scholars focus on frontier technologies and society—specifically in artificial intelligence, the microbiome, and gene editing, as well as issues involving global governance and globalization. The Berggruen Institute has committed $25.5 million to establish the Center, which includes a fellowship program, and houses program activities such as lectures and symposia alongside a host of other public events.


About the Berggruen Fellowship

The Center seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the social, cultural, economic, and governance-related transformations that are reshaping the human condition in order to better inform practical responses. It organizes and supports inquiries that bring multicultural and interdisciplinary knowledge to questions of governance, philosophy, culture, and to questions of global restructuring, especially in the context of China.


Selected Berggruen Fellows will work on topics related to the Center’s Frontier Technology and Society theme. These include three core areas:

  • Frontier technology and privacy: from where did the sense of “privacy” originate? What is the relevance and manifestation of “privacy” in Chinese philosophy and culture? How does the perception of “privacy” in modern society affect the development of frontier technology?
  • Biotechnology and society: from gene editing to microbial research, breakthroughs in biotechnology constantly challenge how we define human beings. The outbreak of Covid-19 has rekindled conversations about our relationship with nature and other beings, and on how we can use technology to respond to disasters. Should we return to the starting point of philosophy—rethink such questions as what is human, what are living beings, what is nature, and how is our relationship with it? Should limits be set for biotechnological development? Where are the limits, and why?
  • Frontier technology, philosophy, and art: artists and philosophers have their own ways of thinking and systems of discourse regarding society and technology; we hope that building a platform for scientists, artists, and philosophers to communicate and exchange ideas will cultivate a new thinkers’ market.


The Center plans to recruit one senior fellow from the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Peking University.


The fellowship is part-time, and is expected to last one year from 2020 to 2021. The Center will negotiate with the fellow on their individual starting date. A yearly stipend of 200,000 CNY (before tax) will be paid to the selected fellow on a monthly basis, and the fellow is expected to be aware of her/his own income tax structures.


The selected fellow will negotiate an agreement with the Center to contribute to the Center’s yearly programs, such as writing at least two to three short articles, organizing at least two to three events, or conducting her/his own initiatives.



  • You must be a faculty member of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Peking University.
  • You must be committed to intellectual work of the highest quality.
  • Applicants should hold the highest degree in their field of study or commensurate research expertise.


To Apply:

Send application materials denoted below to ChinaCenter@berggruen.org before July 20, 2020.

I. Curriculum Vitae

II. Project Statement

Your project statement (up to 1000 words) should answer two questions:


Question #1: What is your proposed project?


Concisely describe the work you plan to do during your fellowship year(s):

? Explain the specific questions and research ideas that you will explore as well as your working schedule for the entire year of your fellowship.

? Describe the public impact of your project: how will you collaborate with the Center to raise public awareness of this organization’s theme and work?


Question #2: What is your most important work relevant to the Center’s three core areas?


  • Identify your most important book, book chapter, or article and explain its importance and its relevance to the Center’s work. Explain how it corrected a misconception in the literature, how it advanced thinking in some salient way, and/or how it filled an important knowledge gap.


The application deadline is July 20, 2020. The Center’s Academic Advisory Board, chaired by Professor Lin Jianhua and Professor Roger T. Ames, will decide upon the awardee. The awardee will receive notification of their fellowship before August 20, 2020.