

5月21日:荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学Frank Veltman教授讲座


5月21日Frank Veltman讲座:Gradable adjectives and subjective experience

讲座题目: Gradable adjectives and subjective experience


讲座摘要: In this talk I willl discuss in what sense gradable adjectives like `tall', `heavy’,  `beautiful’, and `tasty' are subjective.It's certainly not that everybody gives a different meaning to words like these. Still it looks like you have got to say something like that if you try to deal with the semantics of these phrases in a truth conditional framework. I will discuss the shortcomings of the main theories (absolutist, contextualist, and relativist) that do so, and sketch an alternative. Modeling meanings as instructions to change one's intentional state as is done in update semantics is the key to the solution.
The talk is based on joint work with Inés Crespo.