

Call for Papers: International Conference Williamson, Logic and Philosophy


Call for Papers
International Conference
Williamson, Logic and Philosophy

Organized by
Department of Philosophy, Peking University
Institute of Foreign Philosophy, Peking University
Center of Analytic Philosophy, Peking University
Financially Supported by
Program of Foreign Famous Expert Lecture, Peking University
Creation Project of Graduate Education, Peking University
Time: October 16-17, 2015
Size: About 35 participants, including 5 PHD students.
Working Language: English

(1) Epistemology
(2) Metaphysics
(3) Philosophy of Language
(4) Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Logic
(All papers must be relevant with Professor Williamson’s publications in some ways, including Vagueness, Knowledge and Its Limits, The Philosophy of Philosophy and Modal Logic as Metaphysics)

No registration fee. The conference will supply lunch and supper for all registered participants of the conference. We supply hotel rooms (4 days) and Beijing tour (1 day) for all foreign scholars and the scholars from Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Submission Guideline: Welcome papers in all themes listed above.
--- Paper submission deadline: August 30, 2015
--- Acceptance notification: September 10, 2015
--- Please submit final papers as Microsoft Word or Latex (with source document) by email to chenbo@phil.pku.edu.cn.
--- Please put ‘Conference Paper Submission’ as the subject of your email.
--- Please include in a separate document a cover sheet containing your name, affiliation, email address, contact telephone number and the title of your paper.
--- For all enquiries please email Prof. Chen Bo by


蒂莫西?威廉姆森(Timothy Williamson),英国牛津大学哲学博士,现任牛津大学威克汉姆逻辑学教授,英国皇家学会会员,英国科学院院士,美国文理科学院外籍院士,挪威科学院院士,爱丁堡科学院院士等。其主要研究领域为哲学逻辑、认识论、形而上学和语言哲学,是目前活跃的最有影响力的当代哲学家之一。其专著有《同一和分辨》(Identity and Discrimination, Blackwell,1990; second edition, 2013),《模糊性》(Vagueness, Routledge,1994),《知识及其限度》(Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford,2000),《哲学的哲学》(Philosophy of Philosophy, Blackwell,2007)和《模态逻辑作为形而上学》(Modal Logic as Metaphysics, Oxford,2013)《四人对话录》(Tetralogue: I’m right, You are wrong, Oxford, 2014);已发表论文近200篇。其论著产生了广泛的影响,已经出版讨论他的《知识及其限度》和《哲学的哲学》两书的两本专题文集。在世界各地的多所大学和学术机构兼职和讲学。