

5月9日:美国Fordham University哲学系知名知识论学者Stephen R. Grimm讲座


美国福坦莫大学哲学系(Philosophy Department, Fordham University (Bronx, NY, USA))知名知识论学者Professor Stephen R. Grimm


“Understanding as an Intellectual Virtue”(“作为理智德性的立理解”)


In this talk I elucidate various ways in which understanding can be seen as an excellence of the mind or intellectual virtue. Along the way, I take up the neglected issue of what it might mean to be an “understanding person”—by which I mean not a person who understands a number of things about the natural world, but a person who steers clear of things like judgmentalism in her evaluation of other people, and thus is better able to take up different perspectives and view them with a sympathetic eye. Being an understanding person in this sense seems to be a character-level virtue that interestingly combines moral and epistemic elements; it also seems to be a virtue particularly needed in our age of deep political division, where it is commonly said that failures of mutual understanding are partly to blame for this problem.

Stephen R. Grimm教授执教于美国Fordham大学哲学系,目前是剑桥大学Clare Hall访问学者。主要从事知识论与科学哲学领域的研究,在Mind, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science等著名哲学期刊发表论文多篇。他对于“理解”(understanding)问题的研究获得国际同行的普遍认可与关注,他因此受邀为Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy撰写Understanding词条。Grimm教授曾是大型跨学科研究项目“Varieties of Understanding”的主持人(project leader),此项目的主要参与单位包括福特汉姆大学哲学系,纽约大学哲学系和加州大学伯克利分校心理学系等。他还曾受邀担任“泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名”(2011和2015年度)以及“美国国家科学基金会”(National Science Foundation)的评审人。