



国产91麻豆一区二区久久久 外国哲学教研室

Department of Philosophy
Institute of Foreign Philosophy

(Prof. Dr. Günter Z?ller)


“Life Into Which An Eye Has Been Inserted".
Fichte on the Fusion of Vitality and Vision


"The supersensible ... in us, above us and after us."
Kant on the Unity of Theoretical and Practical Reason

主持人:韩水法 教授


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Prof. Dr. Günter Z?ller,慕尼黑大学哲学系教席教授,康德、费希特专家。曾任北美康德协会副主席、国际费希特协会主席,费希特著作集学院版的主要编者之一,柏林-布兰登堡科学院康德委员会和巴伐利亚科学院费希特委员会成员。主要研究方向包括认识论、形而上学,心灵哲学,道德哲学、政治哲学,美学、艺术和音乐哲学。


"Life Into Which An Eye Has Been Inserted.
Fichte on the Fusion of Vitality and Vision"


The talk introduces a virtually unknown text by Fichte dating from April 1808, entitled ?Since 1 April 1808. After the Addresses to the German Nation? and first published only in 1997. In it Fichte sets out to chart the new course to be adopted in the later presentations of his prima philosophy, viz. the Wissenschaftslehre, which were to be given in four separate successive lecture courses at the University of Berlin between 1810 and 1814. The talk places the text from 1808 into the overall context of the presentational development of the Wissenschaftslehre. The primary focus of the talk is on the transitional character of the text from 1808 and on its project of fusing key features of the Jena presentations of the Wissenschaftslehre (1794/95; 1796/99) with those from the early Berlin years (chiefly from 1804-05) to prepare the way for the final presentations from the later Berlin years. A further focus of the talk is on Fichte's practice of couching knowledge in visual metaphors, a striking example of which are the visual-vital figures featured in the posthumous text from 1808.

"The supersensible ... in us, above us and after us."
Kant on the Unity of Theoretical and Practical Reason

The talk addresses Kant's ethico-teleological conception of the "highest good, insofar as it is possible in the world," in his late fragmentary work, Prize Essay on the Advances of Metaphysics. The focus is on the practically based validation of theoretical concepts of reason and on the teleological nature of the unity of theoretical and practical reason in Kant. Special consideration is given to the fabricated character ("made," "supposed") of the rational concepts of freedom, God and soul in Kant's post-critical metaphysics. Section 1 details the  change in teleological thinking and in thinking about teleology between Aristotle and Kant. Section 2 explores the extent of the analogy drawn by Kant between theoretical and practical reason. Section 3 presents Kant's teleological conception of the unity of theoretical and practical reason. Section 4 details Kant's integration of the highest good into a critically warranted practico-dogmatic metaphysics.