




Educated in China (山东大学、人民大学), Italy (1989-1991, Scoula Normale
Superiore di Pisa), andCanada (1991-1994, University of Guelph),

Dr Yu‘s first post-doctoral appointment was at the University of Oxford, England (1994-1997) and he
joined the Department of Philosophy, SUNY at Buffalo, in 1997.

Dr. Yu‘s primary area of research and teaching is Ancient
Greek Philosophy, and he is also interested in the comparative studies
of Ancient Greek philosophy and Ancient Chinese Philosophy.

He serves on the Editorial Boards of History of Philosophy
Quarterly, of World Philosophy, and of Historia Philosophica. He has
received the University‘s Young Investigator Award, and also the College
of Arts and Sciences‘ Excellence in Teaching Award in 2002. His
tenure and associate professorship have passed the College level
without any difficulty. What he needs is only to be reviewed by the
president of the college,which is usually a matter of formality.
  Department of Philosophy
  SUNY at Buffalo, USA
  122 Park Hall

Tel  :  716-645-2444 #122
Fax  :  716-645-6139
Email :  jyyu@acsu.buffalo.edu
Web : www.wings.buffalo.edu/~jyyu


Current Courses
     Fall, 2002
                     PHI 360  Ancient Philosophy (History)
                     PHI 598  Classical Confucianism (Graduate Semianr)
     Spring, 2003
                     PHI 465  Ancient Philosophy (Topic)
                     PHI 561  Plato (Graduate Seminar)


      A. Books
1.The Structure of Being in Aristotle‘s Metaphysics,
                      The Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003

2. A Dictionary of Western Philosophy
(co-compiler with Nick
       (1) the Bilingual English-Chinese version, People‘s Press, 2001,
pp. 1191
       (2) A revised and expanded English-only version, forthcoming from
Oxford: Blackwell.

3. Rationality and Happiness: from the Ancients to the Early
Medievals (co-editor with Jorge Gracia), University of Rochester Press,

4. Uses and Abuses of the Classics: Western Interpretations of Greek
Philosophy (co-editor with Jorge Gracia)

     B. Guest Editor of Special Journal Issues
          Ethics in Greek Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy
          special issue of the Journal of Chinese Philossophy, Sept.
2002, Blackwell
