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波士顿大学哲学系David Roochnik教授讲座:柏拉图《国家篇》中的爱欲与理念(12月26日)


题 目:Eros and Form in Plato's Republic  (柏拉图《国家篇》中的爱欲与理念)
演讲人:Prof. David Roochnik (波士顿大学哲学系教授)
地 点: 外国哲学研究所227会议室
时 间: 2006年12月26日下午3: 00-5: 00

附录:David Roochnik教授介绍
David Roochnik is Professor of Philosophy, Director of Graduate Admissions, Director of Graduate Studies, Boston University.

(PhD, Pennsylvania State University); Ancient Philosophy, Greek Literature, Nineteenth Century Philosophy, Philosophy and History of Rhetoric.

Prior to coming to Boston University, David Roochnik was Associate Professor of Philosophy and Classical Studies at the Iowa State University, and during the 1992/93 year Visiting Associate Professor at Williams College. He joined Boston University in the fall of 1995. In 1996, he was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award by the Undergraduate Philosophy Club. In 1997, Dr. Roochnik was awarded both the Gitner Award for Distinguished Teaching at the College of Arts and Sciences and the Outstanding Teaching Award by the Honors Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Roochnik is also winner of Boston University's 1999 Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching. Recipients of this award are chosen after a university-wide competition and assessment. Most recently Dr. Roochnik won the John Donovan Best Paper Award, New England Political Science Association. May, 2004 (for a paper given in May, 2003: "Plato's Defense Of Diversity.")

Dr. Roochnik is the author of twenty-five articles on Greek philosophy, Greek literature, rhetoric ancient and modern, post-modernism, and the nature of philosophy. He is the recipient of grants and fellowships from the NEH and the Earhart Foundation. He is also invited to give the inaugeral lecture of the Ancient Philosophy Society in Eugene, Oregon, October 7, 1999.

? Retrieving the Ancients: An Introduction to Greek Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.
? Beautiful City: The Dialectical Character of Plato's Republic. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003.
? Art and Wisdom: Plato's Understanding of Techne (Pennsylvania State UP 1996); paperback edition 1998.
? The Tragedy of Reason: Toward a Platonic Conception of Logos (Routledge 1991).  

Recent publications include:
? "The Deathbed Dream of Reason: Socrates' Dream in the Phaedo," Arethusa, 34(2001), 239-258.
? "Socrates' Pedagogical Flexibility: Two Case Studies," Teaching Philosophy, 24(2001), 29-45.
? "Self-Recognition in Plato's Theaetetus," Ancient Philosophy, 22(2002), 37-50.
? "Residual Ambiguity in Plato's Statesman," Journal of the International Plato Society (www.nd.edu/~plato/). Plato 5. On-line: March, 2005.
? "Theory in/of Landscape Architecture," Landforum 5(2000), p.33.
? "The Deathbed Dream of Reason: Socrates' Dream in the Phaedo," Arethusa, forthcoming
? "Socrates' Pedagogical Flexibility: Two Case Studies," Teaching Philosophy, 24(2001), 29-45.
? "Recognition in Plato's Theaetetus," Ancient Philosophy forthcoming.
? A review of "The Beginning of Philosophy," Hans-Georg Gadamer, in Ancient Philosophy 19(1999) 399-403.
? A review of "Form and Good in Plato's Eleatic Dialogues," Kenneth Dorter, in International Journal of the Classical Tradition 5:1 (1998).
? "Irony and Accessibility," Political Theory 25 (1997): 869-885. (Review essay of books on Plato by P. Ahrensdorf, L. Craig, and J. Cropsey.)
? "Socratic Ignorance as Complex Irony: A Critique of Gregory Vlastos," Arethusa (1995): 39-52.
? "Stanley Fish and the Old Quarrel Between Philosophy and Rhetoric," Critical Review 5 (1992): 225-246.
? "The Serious Play of Plato's Euthydemus," Interpretation 18 (1991): 211-232.
? "Homeric Speech Acts," Classical Journal 85 (1990): 289-299.
? "Can the Relativist Avoid Refuting Herself?" Philosophy and Literature 14 (1990): 92-98.
? "Terence Irwin's Reading of Plato," in Platonic Readings, Platonic Writings, ed. Charles Griswold (Routledge, 1988): 183-193.
? "The Tragic Philosopher: A Critique of Martha Nussbaum," Ancient Philosophy 8 (1988): 285-295.
? "Plato's Critique of Postmodernism," Philosophy and Literature 11 (1987): 282-291.
? "The Erotics of Philosophical Discourse," History of Philosophy Quarterly 4 (1987): 117-129.
? "Iliad XXIII: The Tragicomedy of Athletics," Arete 3 (1986): 159-168.
? "Socrates' Use of the Techne-Analogy," The Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (1986): 295-310.
? "The Impossibility of Philosophical Dialogue," Philosophy and Rhetoric 19 (1986): 147-165.
? "The First Philosopher (and the Poet)," Classical and Modern Literature 6 (1985): 39-54.
? "The Riddle of Plato's Cleitophon," Ancient Philosophy 4 (1984): 132-145.

Reprinted articles include:
? "Socrates' Use of the Techne-Analogy," in Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates, ed. Hugh Benson (Oxford, 1992): 185-197.
? "The Riddle of the Cleitophon," in Plato's Cleitophon: On Socrates and the Modern Mind, ed. M. Kremer (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004).

Chapters in Anthologies:
? "Metaphysics and Pronouns in Plato's Phaedo," Plato's Forms: A Variety of Interpretations, Ed. W. Welton, forthcoming.

? "The Wonder of Self-Identity in Plato's Theaetetus," Society of Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Eugene, Oregon, October, 1999 (Inaugural address of the Ancient Philosophy Society).
? "Socrates as Teacher," University of Ottawa, March 23, 2001.
? "The Role of Stories in Republic 8 & 9," Ancient Philosophy Society, Villanova University, April 7, 2001.
? "The Role of Stories in Plato's Republic," Michigan State University, Nov. 14, 2002.
? "Plato's Defense of Diversity," University of Michigan, Nov. 15, 2002.
? "Aristotle's Commonsense Cosmology," Trinity College, March 6, 2003.
? "Practical Reasons in Plato's Republic," Department of Philosophy, Catholic University, November 7, 2003.
? "Eros and Form in Plato's Republic," Department of Philosophy, University of Pisa, May 12, 2004
? "Residual Ambiguity in Plato's Statesman," Notre Dame Ancient Philosophy Workshop, Sept. 18, 2004.

Dr. Roochnik teaches regularly both in the Department of Philosophy and in the Core Curriculum of the College of Arts and Sciences, Boston University.