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12月6日: 儒教之为教的社会学思考



演讲人: 杨凤岗:美国普度大学社会学副教授(终身教授),中国人民大学宗教学讲座教授
演讲时间: 12月6日(周三)晚上7:00-9:00
演讲地点: 国产91麻豆一区二区久久久一楼会议室(四院内)
Dr. Fenggang Yang is Associate Professor of Sociology at Purdue University, specializing in the sociology of religion.  He received his BA from Hebei Normal University in 1982, MA from Nankai University in 1987, and Ph.D. from The Catholic University of America in 1997.  His sociological research has focused on immigrant religions in the United States and religious change in China.  He is the author of Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities (Penn State University Press 1999), the co-editor of Asian American Religions: The Making and Remaking of Borders and Boundaries (New York University Press 2004), and the co-editor of State, Market, and Religions in Chinese Societies (Brill Academic Publishers 2005) and Conversion to Christianity among the Chinese (a special issue of the Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review, 2006).  His articles have been published in books and in the American Sociological Review, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Sociology of Religion, America Journal, and Journal of Asian American Studies, the Sociological Quarterly, including one that won the “2002 Distinguished Article Award” of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and one that won “2006 Distinguished Article Award” of the American Sociological Association’s Section of the Sociology of Religion.  His current research focuses on the political economy of religion in China, Christian ethics and market transition in China, and Chinese Christian churches in the United States.  He has given many invited lectures at universities and the Smithsonian Institution, and has been interviewed by the Washington Post, Seattle Times, Los Angeles Times, etc. and some newspapers in Asia.