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比较哲学国际会议日程(6.7 - 8)


International Conference

The Methodology of Comparative Philosophy

Conference Host & Co-Sponsor
Department of Philosophy & Institute of Foreign Philosophy
Peking University, China


Initiator & Academic Organizer
International Society for Comparative Studies
of Chinese and Western Philosophy
(The 3rd ISCWP “Constructive-Engagement” International Conference)

Center for Comparative Philosophy, San Jose State University, USA

(June 7-8, 2008)

(Shao Yuan Hotel, Building 7, Third Floor)                              


June 6, Friday, 2008
14:00         Beginning Registration(会议报到) at the lobby of Building 7, Shaoyuan Hotel(勺园宾馆7号楼)
18:00 Please wait in the lobby of Building 7, Shaoyuan Hotel.  Someone will guide you to some place for Reception. (勺园宾馆7号楼大厅集合)
18:30 Reception (招待会)

June 7, Saturday, 2008
Before 8:20 Breakfast at Building 2, Shaoyuan Hotel  (optional) (勺园宾馆2号楼早餐)
8:20 Please wait at the lobby of Building 7, Shao Yuan Hotel.  Someone will guide you to the Room 301 of the same building where the conference will be held. (勺园宾馆7号楼,301会议室)

Opening Session (Room 301 of Building 7, Shao Yuan Hotel;开幕式,勺园301室)
*8:30 – 9:00 Opening Speeches(开幕式):
Representatives of Conference Host and Sponsors(会议东道主和赞助方代表):
Prof. Zhao, Dunhua, Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Peking University(赵敦华教授,国产91麻豆一区二区久久久主任);
Prof. Xu, Xiangdong, Vice Director of the Institute of Foreign Philosophy at Peking University(徐向东教授,北京大学外哲所副主任);
Prof. Mou, Bo, Director of Center for Comparative Philosophy, San Jose State University(牟博教授,圣荷塞州立大学比较哲学中心主任);
Prof. Zhang, Xianglong, Chair of International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western philosophy(张祥龙教授,国际中西哲学比较研究学会会长)
9:00-9:20 Taking Photos(摄影留念).

*9:20-11:50 Session I (第一次会议Room 301 of Building 7, Shao Yuan Hotel)
Chair: Prof. Dunhua Zhao or Prof. Xiangdong Xu(会议主席:赵敦华教授或徐向东教授)

Martinich, A. P.(University of Texas at Austin): Ideal Reader Interpretation: the Case of the Yi Jing [I Ching]
Mou, Bo(San Jose State Uni.): On the Constructive-Engagement Methodological Strategy In Comparative Philosophy
&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;  [牟博(美国圣荷塞州立大学):论比较哲学中的建设性交锋-交融的方法论策略]
Willman, Marshall D.(University of Iowa): Mood, Force, and the Role of Grammar in Comparative Philosophy
[威尔曼(美国爱荷华大学):语气、 语力,以及语法在比较哲学中的作用]

11:50-13:30 Lunch

*13:30-15:10 Session II (第二次会议)
Chair: Prof. Bo Mou (会议主席:牟博教授)

Liu, Yuedi (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): Comparative Philosophy by way of “Cultural Prototype”: A Case Study of Zhuangzi’s Allegory of Hole Versus Plato’s
Allegory of Cave
        [刘悦笛(中国社科院):“文化原型”比较视野中的“比较哲学”——以 “窍喻”与“洞喻”的比较为例]
Berger, Douglas L.(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale): The Blending of Nature and Humanity: Schopenhauer’s Encounter with Chinese Philosophy

15:10:-15:20 Tea Break(茶歇)

*15:20-17:50 Session III (第三次会议)

Chair: Prof. Yiu-ming Fung (Hong Kong Sceince & Technology Uni.)(会议主席:冯耀明教授,香港科技大学)

Zhang, Zhiwei (Renmin Uni.): The Possibility of Cross-Cultural Philosophical Dialogue.
[张志伟(人民大学): 跨文化的哲学对话如何可能?]
  Han, Linhe (Peking Uni.): On the Problem of Interpretation of Philosophical Classics: Taking the Interpretation of Zhuangzi as an Example
[韩林合(北京大学): 浅论哲学经典的解释问题——以《庄子》的解释为例]
Peterman, James(The University of the South, USA): Are the Sentences of Lunyu Meaningful?: Kongzi, Wittgenstein and the Problem of Meaning
17:50 Supper(晚餐)

June 8, Sunday, 2008
Before 8:20 Breakfast, at Building 2, Shaoyuan Hotel (optional) (勺园宾馆2号楼早餐)

*8:30-10:10 Session IV  (第四次会议)

Chair:  Prof. Xianglong Zhang(会议主席:张祥龙教授)

Yu, Zhiping (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences): The Comparison between Chinese and Western Philosophy: The Present Situation and Solution
[余治平(上海社科院): 中西比较:处境分析与方法超越]
Angle, Stephen C.(Wesleyan University): Disaggregation in Comparative Philosophy-- Thoughts on the Methodology of Thomas A. Metzger
   [安靖如(美国威斯林恩大学):比较哲学中的分化(Disaggregation)                   ——对托马斯?墨子刻之方法论的若干思考]

10:10-10:20 Tea Break(茶歇)

10:20-12:00 Session V (第五次会议)

Chair: Prof. Bo Wang(会议主席:王博教授)

Vaidya, Anand Jayprakash(San Jose State Uni.): Experimental Philosophy and Constructive Engagement
Guo, Shiping (Suzhou Uni.): A Research on Morphological Methodology of Comparative Philosophy

12:00-13:30 Lunch(午饭)

13:30-15:10 Session VI (第六次会议)

Chair: Dr. Tongdong Bai(会议主席:白彤东博士)

Zhang, Xianglong (Peking Uni.): Comparison Paradox and Comparative Situation
——A Methodological Reflection on Philosophical Comparison
Zhu, Xinmin(Antelope Valley College, CA, USA):  Contingency and Commensurability

15:10-15:30 Tea Break(茶歇)

15:30-17:10 Session VII  (第七次会议)

  Chair: Prof. Zhaohua Chu, Central China Normal University(楚朝华教授)

  Wen, Haiming (Renmin Uni.): Confucian Understanding of Self and Deweyan Democracy
  Bai, Tongdong (Xavier Uni.): The Pre-Qin Confucian Political Philosophy in a Comparative and Contemporary Context--Thoughts on the Methodology of Comparative Philosophy

17:10-18:00 Closing Session: Summary and Expectation(闭幕式:总结与展望)
Chair: Prof. Stephen C. Angle(会议主席:安靖如教授)

18:30 Banquet at Bai Jia Big Yard(宴会,白家大院)

June 9, Monday, 2008
8:20 Please wait in the lobby of Building 7, Shaoyuan Hotel, to be led to the bus for tourist trip.(勺园7号楼大厅集合,旅游)
8:30 – 17:30 Tour to Great Wall (Huai Rou County);会议组织旅游:[暂定地点]慕田峪长城)
18:30 or so Go back and arrive at Building 7, Shaoyuan Hotel(返回勺园宾馆)

Conference Program in PDF