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虚云讲座第三讲: 化地部的新研究




Prof. Charles Willemen

北大外语学院     王邦维教授  主持
北大宗教学系     姚卫群教授  评议



魏查理(Prof. Charles Willemen),1971年在比利时获东方学博士学位,现任比利时皇家科学院院士,泰国国际佛教大学(International Buddhist College)副校长。主要研究领域是说一切有部阿毗达磨,目前主要讲授:阿毗达磨教义、中国佛教与日本佛教。

1974. Dharmapada: a concordance to Udanavarga, Dhammapada, and the Chinese Dharmapada literature. Publications de l'Institut belge des hautes études bouddhiques. Série études et textes 3. Bruxelles: Institut belge des hautes études bouddhiques.
1975. Udanavarga: Chinese-Sanskrit Glossary. Tokyo: Hokuseido, X, 101 p.
and Christian Berg, Max Elskamp. 1975. De negen overdenkingen over de onreinheid van het lichaam. Verhandelingen van het Etnografisch museum van de Stad Antwerpen 3. Antwerpen: Etnografisch museum, 40 p.: ill.
1978. Transl. and Annot. The Chinese Udanavarga: A Collection of Important Odes of the Law (Fa chi yao sung ching). Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques 19. Bruxelles: Institut belge des hautes études chinoises, 19.
1983. The Chinese Hevajratantra: the scriptural text of the ritual of the Great King of the teaching, the Adamantine one with great compassion and knowledge of the void.
Orientalia Gandensia 8. Leuven: Peeters, 208 p.
and Van der Hallen, Katelijne. 1983. Avondademen. Antwerpen: Stichting Mercator-Plantijn, 47 p.: ill.
1994. Transl. The storehouse of sundry valuables. Tsa-pao-tsang-ching. Compiled by T'an-yao.Transl. into Chinese by Kikkaya and Liu Hsiao-piao. BDK English Tripitaka 10/1. Berkeley (Calif.): Numata center for Buddhist tranlation and research, XIX, 275 p.
and Bart Dessein, Collet Cox. 1998. Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Scholasticism. Handbuch der Orientalistik. 2. Abt.: Indien 11. Leiden: Brill, XVII, 341 p.
1999. The Scriptural Text: Verses of the Doctrine, with Parables. BDK English Tripi?aka, 10 II. Berkeley: BDK, 238 pp.
Abhidharmhrdaya: The Essence of metaphysics. Bruxelles, 1975, translated and annotated by Charles Willemen, 366 pages, 26 pages (Chinese Text), Chinese-Sanskrit glossary, English-Sanskrit glossary (Publications de l'Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, Serie études et textes 4).
Numerous articles e.g. 1998. New Ideas about Sarvāstivāda Abidharma. Indian Journal of Buddhist Studies 10, 1-2: 82-94.
Willemen, Charles. 1999-2000. The Indian Background of Buddhism in China. Some Facts and Remarks. The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 1: 45-49.
Willemen, Charles. 2001. Sarvāstivāda Developments in Northwestern India and in China. The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2: 163-169.
Willemen, Charles. 2001b. Sarvāstivāda Dhyāna and Mahāyāna Praj?ā. Observations about their Development in India and in China. Asiatische Studien/ ?tudes Asiatiques, 55: 529-534.