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5月22日:意识存在吗?(Professor Douglas Lackey讲座)


Professor Douglas Lackey 北大哲学系讲演

Title: Does consciousness exist?
Plus a talk: Some Hints about Publishing in Western Academic Journals

Chair of Department of Philosophy, Baruch College of City University of New York. Editor in Chief of The Philosophical Forum 2006-. He is the author of Moral Principles and Nuclear Weapons (1986), The Ethics of War and Peace (1989), God, Immortality, Ethics: A Concise Introduction to Philosophy (1990).

Does Consciousness exist?

A great many American philosophers are involved in what is called “the philosophy of mind.” They write about the relation between the mind and the brain, study the operations of perception and cognition, and speculate endlessly about the nature of consciousness. These philosophers, by and large, do not produce philosophy, much less good philosophy. What they produce is second rate psychology, fourth rate neurobiology, and fifth rate mysticism about this mythical entity called “consciousness.”   The proper approach to the study of mind is through analysis of the products of the human mind, which include language, art, technology, and science.  This is the approach suggested by Hegel in the “Phenomenology of Mind,” and by Cassirer and Collingwood in more recent times.
