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10月25日:阿姆斯特丹大学哲学系Martin Stokhof 教授讲座


题目: How not to end philosophy: Wittgenstein and naturalism

时间:2016年10月25日(周二) 下午3点10分-6点
主讲人:Martin Stokhof (University of Amsterdam)

摘要: Naturalism poses a challenge to many disciplines in the humanities, but for philosophy it appears to be particularly pressing. One place where this becomes apparent is in the debate on Wittgenstein’s meta-philosophy. Although the issue is not often discussed explicitly, a particular form of naturalism seems to inform various parties in that debate, viz., scientism. This strong form of naturalism poses a special challenge to philosophy.  In this talk we will investigate whether Wittgenstein’s later work offers a possibility for meeting the challenge in a way that leaves room for substantial philosophy. We will argue that in his analysis of certainty, religious belief, and aesthetic experience Wittgenstein employs a notion of content that is in line with moderate naturalistic assumptions, yet avoids the challenge that scientism poses.


Martin Stokhof,世界知名的语言哲学家、逻辑学家、维特根斯坦专家,现为荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学哲学系教授。曾担任阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑、语言与计算研究所(ILLC)所长(98-04),Linguistics and Philosophy 编委(91-11),荷兰科学基金(NWO)人文科学委员会主席(04-10)。2006年被选为荷兰皇家科学院院士,现任欧洲科学基金(ERC)人文科学常务委员会成员。个人主页:http://humanities.uva.nl/~stokhof/