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Talk 1: Completeness via correspondence for three-valued logic
Prof. dr. Barteld Kooi (a brief bio is attached below)
(Groningen, The Netherlands)
Abstract: Taking our inspiration from modal correspondence theory, we present the idea of correspondence analysis for many-valued logics. As a benchmark case, we study truth-functional extensions of the Logic of Paradox (LP). First, we characterize each of the possible truth table entries for unary and binary operators that could be added to LP by an inference scheme. Second, we define a class of natural deduction systems on the basis of these characterizing inference schemes and a natural deduction system for LP. Third, we show that each of the resulting natural deduction systems is sound and complete with respect to its particular semantics.
Barteld Kooi and Allard Tamminga (2012). Completeness via correspondence for extensions of the logic of paradox. The Review of Symbolic Logic 5(4): 720-730.
Barteld Kooi and Allard Tamminga. Three-valued logics in modal logic. Accepted for Studia Logica.
Talk 2: Logic: from the 1930s' battle-fields to 2010's flower gardens
Prof. dr. R. Ramanujam (a brief bio is attached below)
(IMSc, India)
Abstract: Mathematical Logic in the 20th century owes much to the negative results of Goedel (1931) and Church - Turing (1936). While they dealt bows of death to attempts that hoped to establish universal mathematical truth, they also opened the way for many languages of logic to emerge, take root and flourish. Today we speak of logics in the plural, and even give semantics for them using notions like game playing. The talk is a fast-paced drive through this landscape, pointing out some interesting sights for future re-visits.
Prof. Ramanujam will teach a course on decidable fragments of first-order logic this semester at PKU, see http://www.phil.pku.edu.cn/cllct/ann_content.php?msgid=341 for more information. This talk serves as a historical introduction to the topic.
Brief bios:
Barteld Kooi is currently professor by special appointment on the chair of Logic and Argumentation established by the Stichting Groninger Universiteitsfonds at the Department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Groningen. He studied philosophy in Groningen and did his master's thesis on the so-called Monty Hall Dilemma under the supervision of Erik Krabbe and Rineke Verbrugge. This led to a PhD project in the computer science department in Groningen under the supervision of Gerard Renardel and Rineke Verbrugge. He finished his dissertation on probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic in 2003. After his PhD he worked as a postdoc at the Department of Philosophy on further topics within dynamic epistemic logic and related subjects. From 2006 to 2009 he worked on my NWO VENI project and starting in 2010 on my NWO VIDI project. In november 2011 he was appointed as a full professor on the special chair in Logic and Argumentation. Prof. Kooi is one the leading experts in the field of dynamic epistemic logic, on which he has published more than 30 research papers. He also co-authored the well-cited book Dynamic Epistemic Logic, which is the only textbook on the subject so far.
Ramaswamy Ramanujam 在印度孟买大学获得博士学位,目前是印度数理科学研究所(IMSc)的逻辑及分布式系统教授。他与Rohit Parikh教授合作的文章Distributed Processes and the Logic of Knowledge 是时态认知逻辑领域里最重要的奠基性工作之一。Ramanujam教授在各类国际顶级期刊及会议论文集上发表了数十篇学术文章,他的研究方向包括时态逻辑,认知逻辑,博弈论基础以及安全协议验证。同时,Ramanujam教授还是国际符号逻辑学会(ASL)的理事,前印度逻辑学会会长,ACM计算逻辑通讯等顶级国际期刊的编辑。