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Dr. Dechesne 两次逻辑讲座 (4.26, 4.28)


Talk 1: In Processes, We Believe! On Marrying Process Algebra and Epistemic Logic
主讲人: Francien Dechesne, 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology & Delft University of Technology
时间: 4月26日周二15:10-18:00   地点: 三教101
Process algebras are a widely used formalism in theoretical computer science for the specification of protocols. From a more philosophical tradition, epistemic logics provide a formalism for the specification of knowledge properties. While the two formal frameworks have developed largely in parallel, the combination of both behavioral and epistemic aspects is called for in a context like security protocols, for properties like anonymity and secrecy. We work towards bridging the gap between two approaches by proposing a combined framework, which allows for modeling the behavior of a protocol in a process language with an operational semantics, and supports reasoning about properties expressed in a rich logic which combines temporal and epistemic operators.

We show how this framework can be extended with cryptographic constructs, and we are relate our semantic framework to the interpreted systems model of Halpern and Vardi.

(based on joint work with: MohammadReza Mousavi, HamidReza Mahrooghi
and Simona Orzan)
Talk 2: "Playing with Logic"
时间: 4月28日周四10:10-12:00am   地点: 四教404
In this lecture, I aim to discuss the striking connection that can be discovered and created between logic and game theory. The interplay between the disciplines has been studied extensively, especially over the last 15 years, and has also found applications in computer science. Game theoretical concepts turn out to be very attractive and insightful to give semantics to formal languages, and logical means (like epistemic and/or temporal logics) can be deployed in the analysis of games.

In my lecture I will particularly pay attention to the game semantics for an extension of first order logic, called Independence Friendly Logic. The interesting aspect of this logic is the fact that a simple syntactic operator corresponds to the introduction of imperfect information in the semantic games. I will discuss several properties of this logic, also from a game theoretical perspective.

Dechesne博士目前就职于荷兰戴尔福特大学技术、政策与管理系,并在荷兰三所科技大学联合伦理与科技中心兼任研究员。她的专长包括独立友好逻辑(Independence friendly logic)、(非完美信息)博弈语义以及带认知的认知进程代数和协议验证。她的个人主页:http://www.ethicsandtechnology.eu/people/dechesne/