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著名英国哲学家Bernard Williams 6月10日逝世


        Bernard Williams (1929 - 2003)早年在牛津大学研究哲学和古典学,先后担任伦敦大学哲学教授,剑桥大学Knightbridge哲学教授,牛津大学White道德哲学教授,加利福利亚大学伯克利分校哲学教授。Williams的主要工作领域是在伦理学、知识论、心灵哲学、伦理学和政治哲学。他在早期希腊思想和笛卡尔的研究上卓有建树,但是他的最重要的影响是在伦理学方面。Williams对功利主义和康德伦理学的批判,他对道德和道德要求的本质的探究已经主导了近三十年来当代西方伦理理论的思维,在某种意义上成为这段时期最重要的道德哲学家。Williams对于古典音乐尤其是歌剧也有深入的理解,曾经是英国皇家歌剧院的艺术指导。

Bernard Williams的主要著作包括:


Truth and Truthfulness, Princeton University Press, 2002

Making Sense of Humanity, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Shame and Necessity, University of California Press, 1993.

Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, Harvard University Press, 1985.

Moral Luck, Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, Harvester Press, 1978.

A Critique of Utilitarianism, in Utilitarianism: For and Against, with J.J.C. Smart, Cambridge University Press, 1973.

Problems of the Self, Cambridge University Press, 1973.

Morality: An Introduction to Ethics, Harper and Row, 1972.


"Philosophy As a Humanistic Discipline," Philosophy 75 (294), Oct. 00, 477-496.

"Understanding Homer: Literature, History and Ideal Anthropology," in Being Humans: Anthropological Universality and Particularity in Transdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. Neil Roughley, de Gruyter, 2000.

"Tolerating the Intolerable," in The Politics of Toleration, ed. Susan Mendes, Edinburgh University Press, 1999.

"Moral Responsibility and Political Freedom," 56 Cambridge Law Journal, 1997.

"Stoic Philosophy and the Emotions: Reply to Richard Sorabji," in Aristotle and After, ed. R. Sorabji, Bulletin Inst. Class Stud. London, Supplement 68, 1997.

"Contemporary Philosophy: A Second Look," in The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy, ed. N. F. Bunnin, Blackwell, 1996.

"History, Morality, and the Test of Reflection," in The Sources of Normativity, ed. Onora O'Neill, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

"The Politics of Trust," in The Geography of Identity, ed. Patricia Yeager, University of Michigan Press, 1996.

"The Women of Trachis: Fictions, Pessimism, Ethics," in The Greeks and Us, ed. R. B. Louden and P. Schollmeier, Chicago University Press, 1996.

"Truth, Politics and Self-Deception," Social Research 63.3 (Fall 1996).

"Toleration: An Impossible Virtue?" in Toleration: An Exclusive Virtue, ed. David Heyd, Princeton University Press, 1996.

"Reasons, Values and the Theory of Persuasion," in Ethics, Rationality and Economic Behavior, ed. Francesco Farina, Frank Hahn and Stafano Vannucci, Oxford University Press, 1996.

"Truth in Ethics," Ratio 8(3), 1995, 227-42.

"Acting as the Virtuous Person Acts," in Aristotle and Moral Realism, ed. Robert Heinaman, Westview Press, 1995.

"Ethics," in Philosophy: A Guide Through the Subject, ed. A. C. Grayling, Oxford University Press, 1995.

"Identity and Identities," in Identity: Essays Based on Herbert Spencer Lectures Given in the University of Oxford, ed. Harris, Henry, Oxford University Press, 1995.

"Cratylus' Theory of Names and Its Refutation," in Language, ed. Stephen Everson, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

"Descartes and the Historiography of Philosophy," in Reason, Will and Sensation: Studies in Descartes's Metaphysics, ed. John Cottingham, Oxford University Press, 1994.

"The Actus Reus of Dr. Caligari," 142 Pennsylvania Law Review, May 1994.

"Pagan Justice and Christian Love," Apeiron 26 (3-4), 1993, 195-207.

(徐向东 孙永平)