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哲学交锋-交融: 戴维森哲学与中国哲学


International Conference

哲学交锋-交融: 戴维森哲学与中国哲学
Philosophical Engagement:
Davidson’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy

发起方、学术组织方: 国际中西哲学比较研究学会(ISCWP)
Initiator & Academic Organizer:
International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy

会议东道主、共同赞助方: 中国社会科学院 (CASS) 哲学研究所
Co-Sponsor & Conference Host
Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

共同赞助方: 美国哲学学会 (APA) 国际合作委员会 (CIC)
Committee on International Cooperation of the American Philosophical Association

(中国,北京;2004年6月8日和9日 Beijing, China; June 8-9, 2004)

Conference Site: #941 of the Building of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
No.5 Jianguomennei Street, Beijing

Tentative Program

六月八日 (星期二) June 8 / Tuesday

09:00-09:30 开幕辞 Opening Session

1. 欢迎辞 Welcome Address
李景源 (Li, Jingyuan), 中国社会科学院哲学研究所所长、会议东道主代表
Director of the Institute of Philosophy, CASS / Representative of Conference Host

2. 对于会议主题 Brief Remarks on Conference Theme
牟博 (Mou, Bo), 学术组织方代表
Representative of Academic Organizer
专题讨论 Session I: 跨文化理解与概念图示
Cross-Cultural Understanding and Conceptual Schemes
主持人 Chair: 李河 (Li, He) (Institute of Philosophy, CASS, China)

09:30-10:20 M. 克鲁兹 (Krausz, Michael)  (Bryn Mawr College, USA)
“相对主义及其概念图式”(Relativism and Its Schemes)

10:20-11:10 田中孝治 (Tanaka, Koji) (Macquarie University, Australia)
“戴维森与汉概念图式”(Davidson and Chinese Conceptual Scheme)

11:10-12:00 S. 昂格尔 (Angle, Stephen) (Wesleyan University, USA) “戴维森、布兰顿与概念差距”(Davidson, Brandom, and Conceptual Distance)

12:00-12:50 郑宇健 (Zheng, Yujian) (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
“对规范性的戴维森式理解与跨文化理解的局限”(Davidsonian Approach to Normativity and Limits of Cross-cultural Interpretation)

讨论参与者 Discussant: 听众 Audience

13:00-14:00 午餐 Lunch Break

专题讨论 Session II: 意义与解释  Meaning and Interpretation
主持人 Chair: 罗希文 (Luo, Xiwen) (Institute of Philosophy, CASS, China)

14:00-14:50 A. 马蒂尼奇 (Martinich, A. P.) (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
“论两种意义与解释”(On Two Kinds of Meaning and Interpretation")

14:50-15:40 庄锦章 (Chong, Kim-chong) (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
“庄子与戴维森论隐喻”(Zhuangzi and Davidson on the Use of Metaphor")

15:40-16:30 陈波 (Chen, Bo) (Peking University, China)
(Debate on Language-Meaning and the Skeptic Argument about Meaning: A Case in Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Philosophies)

16:30-17:20 肖阳 (Xiao, Yang) (Kenyon College, USA)
“与戴维森一起读〈论语>: 如何用语用学的概念来描述古代中国的解释实
践”(Reading the Analects with Davidson: How to Articulate Ancient Chinese Hermeneutic Practice in Pragmatic Terms)

讨论参与者 Discussant: 听众 Audience

19:00-20:30 晚餐 Dinner

六月九日 (星期三) June 9 / Wednesday

专题讨论 Session III:   宽容原则与中国哲学
Principle of Charity and Chinese Philosophy
主持人 Chair: 程炼 (Cheng, Lian) (Peking University, China)

09:00-09:50 黄百锐 (Wong, David) (Duke University, USA)
“宽容之起点” (Where Charity Begins)

09:50-10:40 冯耀明 (Fung, Yiu-ming) (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
“从中国哲学的脉络考察戴维森的宽容原则” (Davidson's Charity in the Context of Chinese Philosophy)

10:40-11:30 叶闯 (Ye, Chuang) (Peking University, China)
“善意原则的限度” (The Limit of Charity and Agreement)

讨论参与者 Discussant: 听众 Audience

11:40-13:00 午餐 Lunch Break

专题讨论 Session IV: 理性、实践理性、非理性
Rationality, Practical Rationality, Irrationality
主持人 Chair: 李剑 Li, Jian (Institute of Philosophy, CASS, China)

13:00-13:50 S. 惠勒 (Wheeler, Samuel C.) (University of Connecticut, USA)
“戴维森式理性与不同文化间的伦理分歧”(Davidsonian Rationality and Ethical Disagreement between Cultures)

13:50-14:40 方万全 (Fang, Wan-Chuan) (Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, ROC)
“知识与行动的统一之道” (Ways of Uniting Knowledge and Action)

14:40-15:30 江怡 (Jiang, Yi) (Institute of Philosophy, CASS, China)
“实践推理中的非理性:从中国哲学的观点看”(Irrationality in Practical Reason from the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy)

讨论参与者 Discussant: 听众 Audience

专题讨论 Session V: 真理与道 Truth and Dao
主持人 Chair: 郑家栋 (Zheng, Jiadong) (Institute of Philosophy, CASS, China)

15:30-16:20 成中英 (Cheng, Chung-ying) (University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA)
“中国哲学中的真理与意义问题和戴维森的语言哲学”(Truth and Meaning in Chinese Philosophy and Davidson's Philosophy of Language)

16:20-17:10 牟博 (Mou, Bo) (San Jose State University, USA)
(Davidson's Thesis of Truth-Centrality and the Dao-Pursuing Tradition of Philosophical Daoism)

讨论参与者 Discussant: 听众 Audience

19:00-20:30 告别晚餐 Farewell Dinner